Friday, December 14, 2018

#WonderWednesday: Treacher Collins Science Fair Project

Nilah, an 11 year old from New York City did her science fair project on Treacher Collins syndrome after reading and watching the movie "Wonder." She was so in love with the character of Auggie Pullman that she wanted to learn more about his facial difference that she made it the focus of her project. Her father, Luis Pinheiro, encouraged her to not only read about it, but talk to people affected with this facial difference. He said, "I suggested, instead, that she contacted actual people (kids or adults alike) who have this syndrome and who might be willing to answer a few questions. The questions should take no more than 5 min to answer and are meant to educate her classmates (and their parents) so we can better understand and communicate with those who have TC syndrome." 

Luis and Nilah contacted CCA and executive director, Erica Mossholder, was kind enough to post to connect her with some video, CCA syndrome booklet, and people to talk to, like Jono Lancaster. Below you can see images of her at the science fair.

Looks like it was a success. Thank you Nilah for raising awareness about TCS in NYC!

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