Friday, May 7, 2021

Research Opportunity: Share Your Experience with the Craniofacial Microsomia Team


Editor's Note: Our friends at the CARE team are conducting a study into craniofacial microsomia, which includes facial differences like microtia, hemifacial microsomia, Goldenhar syndrome, and ocular-auricular-vertebral spectrum conditions. Please take the time to read their words below about the study. 

These research studies are a great way to give back to the craniofacial community! The $100 Amazon gift card you receive in return is a wonderful incentive, too. 

The CARE team, comprised of an interdisciplinary group of more than 20 members from 7 countries, recently launched the CARE study (Craniofacial microsomia: Accelerating Research and Education), the main goal of the study is to understand how craniofacial microsomia (including microtia, hemifacial microsomia, Goldenhar syndrome, and oculo-auricular-vertebral spectrum) affects individuals and their families.

We are looking for adolescents and young adults as well as caregivers of children and adolescents to participate in this study. Study participation can be done online and on the phone or video call and includes a medical history interview, providing facial photos, and an open-ended life story interview. Participation will take around 2-3 hours and participants will receive a $100 gift card when completed as a thank you. Please feel free to check out our website to learn more:

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