Sunday, January 14, 2018

The Mighty Writing Prompts for January

On your mark, get set, ......and WRITE! If your New Year's resolution is to write or reflect more, then here are some great prompts from our friends at The Mighty that could help get you thinking! Personal reflections are welcome, too.

Don't want to go worldwide with your story? No problem!. Write something for yourself in a private journal. If you want to share a more polished, personal reflection with just your CCA friends, contact Kara Jackman about publishing it on our blog.  Email kjackman98 @

Here are those prompts I promised from The Mighty...

1. So often, after years of waiting and researching and more researching, we finally get a diagnosis and then realize the signs were there all along. You may feel regret (even though it’s not your fault!) that you or, more importantly, a doctor didn’t pick up on them. If this is sounds familiar, write about the moment you got your diagnosis and explain the signs that this was there all along. A post like this could help someone still on their diagnostic journey get their answer sooner.
2. Do you experience a symptom related to your condition that most with your diagnosis don’t experience? Tell us about the symptom and how it affects your everyday life.
3. Talk about a good moment that happened in your life that probably wouldn’t have if you or a loved one didn’t have the diagnosis you do. Finding the silver linings of health challenges isn’t for everyone, but if you are someone who has found some good in it all, tell us about that in this post.
4. Describe a movie, book or TV moment that resonated with you because of your life with your or a loved one’s condition. Why did this moment stick out to you?
5. Relationships (both platonic and romantic) are hard even if you are not facing extra challenges. Choose a relationship in your life (from someone you went out with once to a close friend to a life partner, etc.) and describe a moment where your health made that relationship challenging. How did you face that road bump, or what advice would you give to someone going through the same thing?

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