Face Equality Week 2021:
A call for greater public education on facial differences by a global alliance of NGOs.
May 17-24 2021 -- Many of the barriers to equitable access to work, education, and fulfilment for someone with a facial difference are largely due to a lack of public understanding, along with limiting societal attitudes, and pervasive stigma. During Face Equality International Week, May 17-24, 2021, CCA will join Face Equality International's 35 global, member NGOs and nonprofits in an effort to reduce stigma and break down these barriers.
Face Equality International is compiling expert research, materials, and guidance from across the sector in an effort to amplify the voices of those with direct experience in looking different and to advocate for change among schools, businesses, communities and with key audiences such as media professionals and teachers.
After over a year of mask-wearing and social restriction, arguably the issue of facial differences is less exposed than ever.
CCA Board member, Patricia Simon, agrees with that point and shares in a recent article, “A mask somehow gives you control over your life [as a person with a craniofacial issue]. It allows you to decide when to reveal your real face. However, it also signals that you have no control over other people’s reactions. Removing one’s mask reveals one's vulnerability. It creates anxiety. Removal of the mask brings back surprise, shock, and stares.”
Facial difference is a globally neglected human rights issue. At CCA, we offer a robust educational program called the #ChooseKind Initiative. We offer curriculum to students from Pre-K to high school, work with students and adults to help them shape their story through our Speakers Bureau program, and produce educational video content to support efforts to reduce the stigma that exists.
The International Face Equality Week campaign will include a variety of activities in addition to the launch of the educational resource hub in order to amplify the voices in the facial difference community by providing a moment in the year to highlight their lived experiences and to engage with a wider society. Activities will include a selfie campaign and dedicated Instagram filter as a direct challenge to the ‘look-perfect’ culture associated with the concept of a selfie.
FEI will also run a series of educational sessions on Facebook Live throughout the week featuring key voices from the community offering life lessons and practical guidance on issues including representation in books and film, teaching face equality in the classroom, and how to share your story to bring about change.
About Our Organization: Children's Craniofacial Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1989 and serves over 20,000 families per year. CCA's mission is empowering and giving hope to individuals and families affected by facial differences. CCA envisions a world where all people are accepted for who they are, not how they look.
Media Inquiries Contact:
Erica (Mossholder) Klauber