Both of my boys always love signing up for the summer reading program at our local library. Peter’s nickname has been “bookworm” for many years. He’s an avid reader, especially of the super hero and fantasy genres. Jacob, who just finished kindergarten, is doing his best to log as many minutes as Peter. Of course it’s nearly impossible for him to keep up since he isn’t quite a fluent reader yet, and he doesn’t stay up nearly as late sneaking in more reading time at night. Jacob tends to crash at bedtime after going at 150% effort all day long whereas Peter lives for summer vacation and no strict bedtime so that he can stay up later reading a good book.
On one of our recent visits to the library I came across a section of books about science and body parts. Peter enjoys those types of books a lot, so I suggested that he pick out a few to take home. As I was looking through one of the books, I saw a page entitled “Why we have Two Ears.” I told Peter he might find that interesting to read since he only has one ear. My point being, “you might gain some insight as to what you miss out on with only unilateral hearing.” Peter, in his typical fashion, looks at me and says, “Mom, I know what I’m missing… AN EAR!” Like, duh!!!!!! I guess he told me didn’t he?! In all honesty, his reaction totally cracked me up.
I am always glad when Peter is matter of fact and sometimes even funny about his differences. I think it provides an easy and comfortable way for people to get to know him better and to also see very quickly that there really is no difference at all.

I can just picture Peter responding that way....what a guy!