Gotta love her t-shirt: "Just Ask!" |
Today's Media Monday post is a viral video that 17-year-old Sarah Atwell published online to share her story. Sarah has NF and reports being bullied since 5th grade. While her story is heart wrenching, it is also inspirational. Today, we celebrate Sarah's voice, her courage, and her strength.
A Discovery Fit & Health special will air about Sarah's journey on December 18, 2013 at 10pm (EST). As some CCA families have also experienced, agreeing to film a show doesn't mean you'll get to choose the title. Unfortunately for Sarah, "Girl with Half a Face," is not the title she would have chosen, but I think we can all agree that Sarah has a beautiful, full face! At CCA, we know there is no definition or standard of beauty. As for me, "I like different." I like different faces, I love furniture that others would discard as "scratch & dent" because it has richness and character, and confidence creates its own attraction. I think many of us in the cranio world agree, facial differences are beautiful, intriguing, and inviting. As we form a critical mass of folks who like different, we are the change in the world we wish to see.
A Discovery Fit & Health special will air about Sarah's journey on December 18, 2013 at 10pm (EST). As some CCA families have also experienced, agreeing to film a show doesn't mean you'll get to choose the title. Unfortunately for Sarah, "Girl with Half a Face," is not the title she would have chosen, but I think we can all agree that Sarah has a beautiful, full face! At CCA, we know there is no definition or standard of beauty. As for me, "I like different." I like different faces, I love furniture that others would discard as "scratch & dent" because it has richness and character, and confidence creates its own attraction. I think many of us in the cranio world agree, facial differences are beautiful, intriguing, and inviting. As we form a critical mass of folks who like different, we are the change in the world we wish to see.
For more info on Sarah's story, check out this link: The Chronicle Herald
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