When our Daughter, Hannah, was 4 months old we noticed a ridge on the top of her head. We inquired about it at her 4 month visit but no one was concerned. We were clueless to what it could be so just trusted it was all right. At 6 months I pushed again at her check up and they said they would run X-Rays. We did those right after her appointment and the next day we learned about Craniosynostosis for the first time! It was confirmed that her X-Rays looked concerning. We had the choice of seeing someone locally who was a neurosurgeon who did not specialize in kids or to go to University of Michigan, which is two hours away. We immediately said University of Michigan, knowing we would not be satisfied anywhere else. They were able to get us in two weeks later and the surgeons confirmed that she had Craniosynostosis.
Hannah had surgery on Valentine's Day 2017 (a Wednesday) at 8 months old. While it was terrifying to wait during the surgery and to see her after with her head wrapped and face swollen, we had faith in the surgeons. She ended up needing a blood transfusion during the surgery and shortly after we left the recovery room. Her eyes were swollen shut for a few days after the surgery, too. After all these expected side effects of surgery, things would improve a lot for Hannah.
When her eyes opened back up on Saturday, this girl was happy and ready to crawl around and be her normal self. While we were overjoyed by her enthusiasm for life, this absolutely terrified us!!! It is crazy how their little bodies bounce back so fast after such a big surgery. She was all smiles after this, except she would get mad at us when we would not let her do stuff. The next two weeks my husband and I took turns working from home, both lucky to have jobs that would allow us a flexible schedule. After those two weeks my Mom came to stay with us for the next two and half months until Hannah was cleared to go back to daycare. We were so lucky to have that help! I do not know what we would have done without Hannah's grandmother.
Fast forward seven months later and you would barely know by looking at Hannah that she had surgery! Her hair mostly covers her scares and she is still a strong little girl who has no clue what she has been through!
While we were in the hospital I signed up to sell Usborne Books & More as a fun side gig as I already work full time. I figured if I did not like it I could just stop, no harm no foul. I knew I loved the books and being social, so I would probably love it. I held my launch party and donated all of the reward books to Motts Children Hospital. They got over $400 worth of books!! We dropped them off during Hannah's three-month check up.
In June, I held a party where all those rewards went towards Cranio Care Bears, an amazing Organization that sends care packages to kids who are about to have surgery for Craniosynostosis. They received about $200 worth of books. For this fundraiser, my incentive period was up so I could not offer double rewards like I could for my first party.
Then in September, for Craniofacial Acceptance Month, I knew I wanted to do something for an organization that helped kids like Hannah. So I decided to hold a Cards for a Cause party and donate the funds raised to Children’s Craniofacial Organization. I posted on social media to my friends, family, co-workers and Usborne VIP page that I was selling boxes of cards with 30 cards in them for $30. I told them the proceeds were going to CCA. I ended up selling 20 boxes of cards, netting a $240 donation to CCA!!
I am super excited to be able to help an organization that helps kiddos with craniofacial abnormalities. Thank you for all you do!
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