Friday, September 27, 2019

Attend An Abilities Expo Near You! I Did...Here's What Happened...

A few Sundays ago, I attended the Abilities Expo in Boston, MA. Abilities Expos are hosted across the country in a wide variety of different cities. If there is one near you, and there will be (check this list) I encourage you to go. Once there you can see what your local, and national area companies and nonprofits have to offer people with disabilities, chronic illnesses, and rare diseases. I receive information I did not know I needed. There is so much support out there for all of us. In addition, there is cutting-edge technology and products to support you or your child lives a more enjoyable, productive lives. Here are a few of the companies and organizations that I think we in the CCA community could make the most use of. 

1. M-Brace TacTee

This incredible kit allows people with differently-shaped hands to grasp and hold items like water bottles, markers, pens, knife, fork, and spoon with ease. I really loved the magnetic design and that the various parts were dishwasher safe. The bit that attaches to your hand comes in three sizes, small, medium, and large. It is similar to Eazyhold, another product we have featured on the blog, to make the world a bit more accessible.

2. Low and Go 

This is great for anyone with a wheelchair. These wheelchairs allow you to go onto the beach, gain access to the ground, and lower spaces in the world which you are more likely to encounter in the outdoors. A great option if you or your loved one enjoy nature. I was impressed with the design and durability. 

3. Path International 

Path International is an internatinal organizaiton that provides access to equine therapy and other horse riding. Go to their website to find stables and resources near you. I know many children who enjoy riding, this organization encourages all things equestrian. Reach out to them and get started. 

4. National Ataxia Foundation 

The National Ataxia Foundation is wealth of resource and support about ataxia, or "loss of balance and coordination that is not due to muscle weakness." Loss of coordination can be due to a variety of different neurological and medical conditions. The Foundation is based in Minneapolis and can be useful in getting more information about how to best treat or find providers for ataxia. One common need is for speech or occupational therapy. Parents, guardians, and caretakers may be interested in the the connections these folks could help you make in your neck of the woods. Contact them by phone at (763) 553-0020 or email [email protected]

5. Brilliant K9

If you have a service animal the harnesses built by this company will make them more comfortable. I liked the utility of the harnesses having two side packs for documentation and supplies. These harnesses also allow for one hand operation, too. Learn more at

6. AirBnB 

Everyone knows about AirBnB as they have ben the de facto vacation accommodation option for many of us. Did you know they offer Adapted Experiences, providing its customers access to "unique activities hosted by passionate locals who have included detailed accessibility information to make their travel experience more inclusive for guest with disabilities."* They are based San Francisco. Learn more at 

7. ADAPTS (Emergency sling for emergencies) 

Finally, I really thought this next item is must have for anyone in a wheelchair. ADAPTS is a portable and affordable transfer sling designed to help people with disabilities evacuate planes, trains, cruise ships, and hotel rooms."* This is must have if you or your loved one utilizes a wheelchair. Learn more at 

*Quotations from the exhibitor listings in the Directory and Buyers Guide provided at the Exposition.

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