Sunday, January 12, 2014

Grateful Sunday: Friends

My grateful Sunday post for today comes from a short interview that I did with my adopted sister Shauna the other day. I asked her one question and I was quite humbled by her response. The question was “What has made you the most grateful for when it comes to having a little adopted sister with Apert Syndrome and Asperger’s Syndrome?” 

Her response was “Diversity, patience, and that the phrase ‘Beyond the face is a heart’ means so much more to me now then it would have 5-10 years ago.” She told me a story about how she interacts more with a little boy with autism that comes into her office than she had in the past, because of her experience with me.

I’m grateful as well to have someone that loves me for me, who is patient with me and my…….quirks, and has helped me to come out of my shy shell of a being. There are few things in this world that could equal the priceless value of the gift of friendship…..and in this case, an adopted sister.


Today, we're grateful for the friends in our life who help usbe more authentically ourselves.

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