Saturday, December 30, 2017

Be A Hero, Give The Gift of Belonging & Friendship Today!

How often do you have the opportunity to be a hero? Can you honestly say that you made a friendship possible? Well, today you can!
If you donate to CCA before the year ends, you can send a child affected by a facial different to our Annual Family Retreat and Educational Symposium.

A donation of any amount supports our work as an organization. Even $5 makes a difference! We are so grateful for the generosity of all of our donors, volunteers, sponsors, and friends.

For those who are especially blessed, a donation of $1000 sends a family to our annual, family networking event that changes lives. All of our attendees are in some way affected by facial differences like Apert Syndrome, Crouzon Syndrome, Treacher Collins Sydrome, Cleft Lip and Palate, among many others. It is during the four magical days in June each year that families and children realize they are not alone, they are not the only one out there that looks like them, or faces the trials and triumphs they do. They are afforded the time to spend with each other in a relaxing and welcoming atmosphere with planned activities, dinners, and excursions. Lifelong friendships are forged and support is freely given and received.

The Annual Family Retreat and Educational Symposium is the event that all of our families look forward to year round. Due to the premiere of the movie “Wonder,” we have received double the scholarship applications for our 2018 Retreat, which this year will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah.

All of this love comes at a cost to CCA and we do not want anyone to be left out. With your donation, we can bring one more child to retreat that desperately needs assurance and companionship.

Give the gift of belonging and acceptance.
Give the gift of never being alone again.

Thank you so very much!

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