Saturday, May 4, 2019

30 Stories 30 Faces 30 Years: Emily Paulson

“CCA was critical to my parents’ education and understanding of my craniofacial condition when I was born in 1991 (remember, this was before the internet). I am so grateful for all of the relationships I have established since then, and I am especially thankful for lifelong relationships like I have with Erin Williams, Scott Guzzo, and all of my “mini-me’s.” CCA has helped me in being confident in my personal and professional life.” 

                                                           --Emily Paulson, CCA Adult

Emily Paulson is a registered nurse from Fargo, North Dakota born with Treacher Collins syndrome. She enjoys spending time with friends and family, especially her mother, Denise, and her two godsons. Music, concerts, travel, and watching sports are the many ways she chooses to share her beautiful life with those she loves. 

She says, “Having a facial difference has provided challenges which I have had to overcome, teaching me skills I have used to advance my nursing career. My craniofacial difference has allowed me to uniquely empathize with some of my patients. Frequently, patients ask me “what happened to you?” or “what’s your story?” When this occurs, it provides an opportunity for me to share my life story and the challenges I have faced.

People may not know I was once shy and insecure. As I grew older, I knew I needed to force myself to face challenges and risk possible failure. For instance, auditioning for theater, applying for nursing school, and traveling to Africa with my nursing group. Even though not everything worked out perfectly, it gave me the confidence to know I could be successful in both my professional and personal life. Even today, with all of life’s uncertainties, I know I need to take life one day at a time and continue to grow. I believe in myself, and will continue to put myself out there each and every day.”️

Erin Richmond and Emily Paulson 

1 comment:

  1. You are such an inspiration Emily! I hope my daughter inspires people the way you do! I want her to be as successful as you and grow through any triumph! You've inspired me to be better and to teach my daughter that no matter what she can do anything as long as she believes in herself! Thank you for sharing your story!


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